How to Know Someone Has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Introduction of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

The problem of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is seen in people who have faced any scary or dangerous event in the past. The victim feels afraid under this traumatic condition. Life is uncertain and when something happens unexpectedly, our mind becomes unable to bear it. Slowly the control over the mind is lost and the person faces the problem of PTSD. There are many symptoms that indicate the presence of the trauma and earlier identification of the problem helps in recovery. At People of Worth Lancashire counselling clinic, we care for you and hence we keep people informed about the traumatic problem. The content will help in knowing whether someone has PTSD or not.

How to Identify Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

Here some symptoms are being mentioned that will help you to recognize the presence of the disorder. Also, if you could identify at the very early stage, it will help them a lot for quick recovery.

Remembering the Same Experience Again and Again

  1. If the person lives in flashbacks and every time that threatening incident comes in front of him then there is a possibility that the person is under the effect of PTSD.
  2. Apart from that, the person will have bad dreams and always have some frightening thoughts in mind.

Under this situation, we should try to keep them active and happy as per the present scenario. Try not to talk about the past and keep all the things away that could trigger their bad memories.

Avoiding People

  1. The person having the problem of PTSD does not want to be in anyone’s company. They always keep them away from social life, objects and events.

In such a case, we should never leave them alone. Encourage them to join public events, gatherings, and social life. When their mind is distracted, they feel good and recover from the problem quite easily.

Reactive Behaviour

  1. Another symptom of PTSD includes a quick reaction or sudden mood change. Sometimes the person feels good and on the other second, they might get upset and even angry. They feel tense and have difficulty sleeping.
  2. They do not eat properly because their mind is somewhere else. As a result, the overall health of the person is compromised.
  3. Sometimes they feel guilty for the incident that had happened in the past. They take all the blame on themselves. This condition sometimes brings suicidal thoughts as well. Moreover, they lose all their interest in life.

To avoid such problems, we should always communicate with the person. Take them for medication. Always get in touch with the experts rather than going here and there.

These are the symptoms that clearly indicate that something is wrong. We should never ignore such things because it is a matter of your life. Next time, when you notice the mentioned symptoms in any person, immediately take them for a quick consultation and medication. 'People of Worth' is always there for you.


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